Plumbing Tips for Homeowners on Toilet Maintenance - Toilet Problems

Why do toilets run? Why is my toilet leaking? Someone jiggle handle!
Here, we will cover leaks inside the toilet tank. If you have a toilet leaking water outside the tank, onto the floor read this.
Signs you might have a leaking toilet:
- hissing, running (on/off or constant)
- tank takes a long time to fill up
There are 2 main types of leaks to check for inside the tank.
We'll call them, tank-to-drain leak & tank-to-bowl leak.
(yes, both leak water down the drain but for all intents and purposes, just go with us on this one)
Tank leaks are easy to overlook because there is no visible water coming out of the toilet.
Tank leaks occur when water leaks into the overflow tube and down the drain, or into the bowl and down the drain.
This also means, money down the drain.
- If your toilet is running, then your toilet is leaking. -
If you have water leaking on the outside of the tank, turn off the water supply and inspect the toilet for cracks. A cracked toilet needs to be pulled and replaced. Water around the base of the toilet? Click Here
1. Tank-to-drain leak
Water leaking into the overflow tube and down the drain.
Remove the lid, and flush the toilet
After flushing the water should fill the tank and stop when the float reaches the fill level.Fill Level: no higher than 1 inch below top of the the overflow tube. Some tanks will be lower but never higher.
Do I have a leak?If water goes to the top of the overflow tube, and down the drain - you have a leak.
Causes for tank-to-drain leaks
water fill level is set too high
damaged float, not shutting off refill valve
refill valve is worn and needs to be replaced.
Water leaking from the tank into the bowl.
Remove the lid
Put a dye tablet (or food coloring) in the tank
Wait 20 min and if coloring is showing up in the bowl - you have a leak
Flapper: The flapper or flush valve holds water in the tank. After flushing the flapper should fall back into the valve seat, and create a water tight seal.
Causes for tank-to-bowl leaks
Droopy chain - not allowing the flapper to drop all the way down to the valve seat and water is leaking into the bowl.
Flapper is worn or warped and needs to be replaced.
Valve seat is worn and needs to be replaced.
3. Tank Leak - on the outside
Water leaking from the outside of the toilet tank.
- Inspect the toilet for cracks
- Look between the bowl and the tank (most common place for cracks).
- If the toilet is cracked it will need to be pulled and replaced.
Plumbing problems can be prevented by regular plumbing maintenance.
The best way to prevent toilet related water damage - take care of the toilet repair as soon as plumbing problems occur.
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