Kennedale Mansfield Plumbing

How to Winterize your home's plumbing

KMP Kennedale Mansfield Plumbing Plumber Arlington TX Winterize your home.jpgEven in Texas temperatures can fall below freezing, easily causing trouble for those who aren’t prepared. CBS Local Weather is predicting temperatures below freezing.* As the temperature falls below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, water begins to freeze. When water freezes, it expands and can potentially burst your piping, causing water leaks and even flooding. Here are a few steps to help prevent a possible plumbing nightmare when the temperature starts to drop:



Winterizing your home :

  1. Insulate Your Piping: Piping that is exposed to freezing temperatures can be wrapped in insulation to help prevent freezing. Insulation can vary from slip on foam insulation to fiberglass wrap insulation. When insulating be sure not to leave any gaps for air to reach the pipe.
  2. Let it drip: When you know the temperature is going to drop below freezing leave your faucets on a slow, steady drip. This allows the excess pressure to escape if your pipes happen to freeze; Potentially keeping your lines from bursting.
  3. Stop the air flow: Be sure to seal off any areas that aren’t heated to try to stop the circulation of cold air. If you have a crawlspace under you house make sure all access points are closed and any gaps sealed.
  4. Heat Tape: If you’re worried insulation isn’t enough heat tape can be added under the insulation as an added precaution. Just remember to always follow the manufacturers instruction.
  5. Who left the cabinets open?: In bathrooms and kitchens open the cabinet doors under the sinks to allow warm air into inside to heat the pipes. Remember, if the heat is insufficient adding a heat lamp to these areas can help.    
  6. After you turn off the water: You must also disconnect the garden hose connected to the faucet to allow the water in the pipe to drain out. This will allow the piping to withstand the cold weather.


Texas Dept of Public Safety


Farmers Almanac


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